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Web accessibility is a key criterion in every public tender

However, the barriers standing in the way of accessibility are as diverse as users themselves: What one person finds easy to use might present an insurmountable obstacle for someone else. Consequently, creating accessible digital solutions—whether applications, websites, or mobile apps—is a complex challenge that must be continually considered as the project develops, and in no case can it merely be “tacked on” at a later date, as has often happened in so many projects in the past.

What you get from our web accessibility white paper

In our free white paper, you will learn how the relevant standards and specifications of web accessibility can be implemented sensibly and cost-effectively as part of an end-to-end development process. We discuss the following aspects in our white paper: 

- What is web accessibility?
- What are the three current globally relevant web accessibility standards?
- What are the four principles of web accessibility? 
- How can a web accessibility project be successfully implemented?

Download our free white paper now and learn more about web accessibility.

Download white paper Web Accessibility

Magdalena Koj

Head of eGov & Industries

Magdalena Koj

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