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“The state is lagging behind development.” Is that really true?

Every day, in our projects, we experience the excitement and enthusiasm with which the transformation of the public sector is welcomed. As a Swiss IT company, we are on hand to support this digital change at every step of the way, from consulting to developing new software solutions, through to hosting and running applications. In this edition of the ti&m special, you will find articles about innovative and successful ideas and concepts used by public administrations and state institutions, as well as interviews with opinion leaders in e-government. We hope you enjoy reading them and that they inspire and encourage you to implement your own digital projects in the future.

The private cloud for public institutions

ti&m swiss eGov cloud // For public-sector digitalization and cloud projects, it is not only critical to choose a cloud-service provider that meets strict privacy requirements and high security standards. There is also a need for cloud integrators that implement projects end to end and in close collaboration with their clients. 

Karsten Burger, ti&m

“A silo mentality and federalism are enemies of digitalization”

Swiss government, in Bern // As an FDP member of the National Council and vice president of digitalswitzerland, Marcel Dobler is committed to Switzerland’s digital future. We talked to him about its biggest challenges, e-voting, e-ID, and how to prioritize digitalization projects properly.

Marcel Dobler, Member of the National Council, FDP

Digitalization is business

Swiss Armed Forces // Internet applications and digital products and services today shape much of our daily organizational, social and economic activities. The sheer scale and repercussions of rapidly developing digital platforms, big data and the ever-growing algorithm-based services are more far-reaching than any other pioneering technologies in the history of humanity. 

Lt Gen Thomas Süssli, Swiss Armed Forces

E-government as an integral component of public services

Digital administration // Just as the industrial revolution made possible and shaped post-feudal society, so the digital revolution is in the process of changing the self-perception and tasks of state authorities. Concepts are required that simplify and improve exchange between the administration, the economy and us citizens, and that reinforce public services – not least in order to be able to react to future challenges in a resilient manner. 

Magdalena Koj, ti&m

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Magdalena Koj

Head of eGov & Industries

Magdalena Koj

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